
Bosch, Hieronymous

The adoration of the sages. Detail

Painting, 1490

Spain, Madrid

Zuellhaas, J. G. (drawing)

At the dance…

Print, woodcut, 1887, 10 x 8 cm

Greece, Athens, collection Alkis Raftis


Bürde (drawing); Mittag, C. (lithograph)

Fanny Cerrito St. Leon as Esmeralda

Print, lithograph, 1847, 41 x 30 cm


Bechstein, Ludwig (drawing)

The boa and its various usages

Die Boa und ihren verschiedenen Verwendungen

Print 1890, 14.5 x 7 cm

Greece, Athens, collection Alkis Raftis

Als die Sturmkolonnen gegen die Schanze anrüchten, liessen die Vertheidiger eine Mine springen

Print 1877 7.7 x 11.8 cm

Greece, Athens, collection Alkis Raftis

Illustrated phrases from the history of war

Illustrirte Sätze aus der Kriegsgeschichte


Wilke, Rudolf (drawing)           

Society ladies of the Tiergarten district take now dance lessons at Miss Duncan’s school                                                                                               

Print 1904    


Gulbransson, Olaf        

Isadora Duncan – Caricature    

Drawing 1905

Isadora Duncan’s Berlin Dance School             

Isadora Duncan’s Berliner Tanzschule   

Η σχολή χορού της Ιζαντόρα Ντάνκαν στο Βερολίνο                                   

Print 1904          


Comic dance by men on Boeotian kantharos                            

Κωμικός χορός ανδρών σε βοιωτικό κάνθαρο                                              

Painting, vase  -570 B.C., approximately   


Frankenbach, L. (drawing)                   

Manouver-meteorology. Heiter            

Manöver-Meteorologie. Heiter                                                            

Print, woodcut  1887 11.5 x 13.2 cm   

Greece, Athens, collection Alkis Raftis  

Wanjura, Arthur (drawing)       

Ballerina: What a pity, I always wanted a count like you as adoptive father        

Tänzerin: Ach, wie schade – einen Grafen, wie Sie sind, habe ich schon immer zum Adoptivvater gewünscht                                                                  

Print, woodcut  1887 11.5 x 7 cm        

Greece, Athens, collection Alkis Raftis  


Grotesque dancers on a Corinthian pyxis vase  

Painting on vase -685   B.C., 16.2 cm height                

The dancers have their bellies and buttocks stuffed under a red dress, a costume that will be later worn by comedians 


Lola Montez dancing in Munich

Print 1846

Two comic dancers; Bacchus and fiddler on a wagon   

Print, woodcut 1650 


Costumed ball  Costumed ball

Χορός μεταμφιεσμένων

Print, woodcut  1848 10 x 11.5 cm

Greece, Athens, collection Alkis Raftis


Debucourt, Louis-Philibert (drawing)

The dance-mania

La manie de la danse

Η χορευτική μανία

Print, aquatint, color 1809

Who is dancing more graciously?

Wer tanzt lieblicher?

Ποος χορεύει πιο χαριτωμένα;

Print 1780


Heine, Thomas Theodor

We dance on a volcano

Wir tanzen auf einem Vulkan

Χορεύουμε πάνω σε ένα ηφαίστειο

Drawing 1910


Fuellhaas, J. G. (drawing)

A ball twenty years ago

Ein Ball vor zwanzig Jahren

Χοροεσπερίδα πριν από είκοσι χρόνια

Print, woodcut  1886, 32.5 x 24.3 cm

Greece, Athens, collection Alkis Raftis

Sues, Ernst

The queen of the ball

Η βασίλισσα του χορού

Print, woodcut  1866 22.5 x 23 cm

Greece, Athens, collection Alkis Raftis


Rauh, Reinhold

Lola Montez and her Bavarian royal lover                                                         °

Print 1847


Löffler, L. (drawing)

Dance and ballet

Tanz und Ballet

Χορός και μπαλέτο

Print, woodcut  1867 20 x 23 cm

Greece, Athens, collection Alkis Raftis

Rauh, Reinhold

Die königliche Mätresse

Lola Montez in New York with the hats and boots of her former husbands

Print 1849


Rauh, Reinhold:

Die königliche Mätresse

Lola Montez as Ariadne and her dog called Turk

Print 1846


Ballet dancer (to herself): do I dance to live, or do I live to dance ?

Ballettänzerin (monologisirend): Ich weiss nicht – tanze ich um zu leben, oder lebe ich um zu tanzen ?

Print, woodcut 1884 9.5 x 7.5 cm

Greece, Athens, collection Alkis Raftis

Bogel, H. (drawing)     

The boring husband                 

Der langweilige Gatte                                                               

Print, woodcut  1876 9.5 x 7 cm          

Greece, Athens, collection Alkis Raftis


Adolf, W. (drawing)

Japanese ball in Germany

Print, woodcut  1884, 11.2 x 23 cm

Greece, Athens, collection Alkis Raftis


Bechstein, Ludwig (drawing)

The ball war

Der Ballkrieg

Print, woodcut  1884, 23.8 x 17.2 cm

Greece, Athens, collection Alkis Raftis

“And she still moves!”

“Und sie bewegt sich doch !”

Print 1906 8.5 x 7 cm

Greece, Athens, collection Alkis Raftis


And dance in the evening as if there were no toothaches in the world…

Und tanzen Abends, als gäbe es gar keine Zahnschmerzen in der Welt…

Print, woodcut  1859 10 x 6 cm

Greece, Athens, collection Alkis Raftis


C.S.R. (sketch)

An artist’s character sketches in Berlin – The waltz

Print 1882 10 x 14 cm

Greece, Athens, collection Alkis Raftis

He: It is a polka-mazurka but it can be danced as waltz

Er: Es ist eine Polka-Mazurka, aber man kann auch Walzer darauf

Print 1888 12 x 7.2 cm

Greece, Athens, collection Alkis Raftis


Reiniger, Lotte

Siluettes from a cartoon film

Drawing 1950


Schott, Walte  

Isadora Duncan – 4

Ιζαντόρα Ντάνκαν – 4                                                

Sculpture, statuette, bronze 1903                                 

Peter, Frank-Manuel (ed.): Isadora & Elizabeth Duncan in Germany

Gulbransson, Olaf

Observation class. The soft ancient representations of dance

Anschauungsunterricht. Die weichlichen antiken Tanzdarstellungen

Print, drawing, sketch, caricature, cartoon 1910


Eine, die abtanzt. Schweres Schicksal droht Berlin: Isadora hüpft für immer davon…

Print, sketch, cartoon 1906

Cartoon satirizing the financial problems of the Isadora Duncan school at Grünewald, Berlin.


Schmidhammer, Arpad

Beethoven can’t be danced…!

Beethoven “”tanzt”” man nicht…! Beethoven und Isadora Duncan

Print, sketch, cartoon    1904

Lola Montez und ihr Anhang  Erinnerungsblatt an die Ereignisse am 9., 10. und 11. Februar 1848 in Muenchen                         

Print, lithograph, monochrome 1848, 45.5 x 31 cm   


Jüttner, F.

The improved bacchanal

Das verbesserte Bacchanal

Print, sketch, cartoon    1907

Cartoon on Tanhäuser bacchanalia by Isadora Duncan


Seitz, Franz (drawing)

Die Engelsturz 11 Febr. 1848                          

Print, lithograph, monochrome 1848                                         

Lola Montez was the lover of King Ludwig I of Bavaria            

Weidner, Thomas: Lola Montez oder eine Revolution in Munchen.

Starck, Wilhelm (drawing)       

Der Genius der Sittsamkeit verlaesst das gelobte Land                                    

Print, lithograph, monochrome 1848 30.5 x 23 cm    


Lola coming! Europe farewell! America I come

Print, lithograph, monochrome 1852, Kiel  


Lola has come! Enthusiastic reception of Lola by an American audience

Print, lithograph, monochrome 1852   

Ludwig I King of Bavaria treading on the constitution, Lola Montez behind him

Luswig I Koenig von Bayern tritt die Verfassung mit Fuessen                

Drawing, pencil and pen on paper 1848, 21 x 13 cm     


Lola in Boston. Lola. Ladies and Shentlemans? I thank you from the bottom of my heart                                                                                                     

Print, lithograph, monochrome 1852


Oettinger, Edward Maria         

Lola Montez. Saltatio est circumferentia Diaboli                                    

Print, monochrome 1847 

Lola Montez, der weibliche Daemon aus dem Revolutionsjahr   

Drawing, monochrome 1848  


Februar 1848. Soll es Lachen oder Weinen sein?                                 

Print, lithograph, monochrome 1848, 28 x 35 cm                  

Satirical map of Europe showing Lola Montez and her lover king Ludwig I of Bavaria

Lola Montez, Comtesse de Landsfeld. Ein Pas de deux                        

Print, lithograph, monochrome 1848      

Der pensionierte Apoll und die auf Wartegeld gesetzte Terpsichore                               

Print, lithograph, monochrome 1848,  22.7 x 25.5 cm


Ludwig – Lola. Newest sheet from the fashionable history of Bavaria    

Ludwig – Lola. Neuestes Blatt aus der Gunst-Geschichte Bayern’s                    

Print, lithograph, monochrome 1847, 28 x 23.7 cm   

Lola Montez with her lover of King Ludwig I of Bavaria in the English Garden of Munich      


Kirchner, Ernst Ludwig (1880-1938)

Female dancer




Drawing, pen and ink

1933, 26 x 16 cm

Beckmann, Max (1884-1950)

Dance in Baden-Baden

Tanz in Baden-Baden

Painting, oil on canvas 1923

100.5 x 65.5 cm

Germany, Munich


Rohlfs, Christian

Dance couple



Χορευτικό ζεύγος

Painting, tempera on canvas

1928, 100 x 80 cm

The painting depicts the dancers Clotilde von Derp and Alexander Sacharoff, that Rohlfs saw performing in Hagen and made their aquaintance.